Chickenpox Vaccination

£75.00 per dose

A highly contagious disease mainly affecting children under the age of ten with few risks, unlike adults who may be susceptible to more serious risks and complications.  Symptoms include an itchy rash, fever, headache and fatigue.

A vaccination is currently not available via the NHS but, with parents increasingly wanting to avoid their children suffering symptoms and potential scarring, we are able to offer this service privately via our vaccination clinic.

Price per dose (2 doses required)



Usually given at the same time as the MMR vaccine; if this is not the case, then the chickenpox vaccine should not be given to babies or children until at least four weeks after the MMR vaccine.  It may be administered to adults until the age of 65, but only to persons who have not had chickenpox already. 


The vaccine is given in two doses as injections in the upper arm.

Side Effects?

Possible mild symptoms include fever, tiredness or digestion problems. In some cases it can cause a mild chickenpox like rash.

Suitable for children?

The vaccine is suitable for babies from nine months.

Additional Precautions:

Not suitable for pregnant women or women who are trying for a baby.

How it works

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    Book appointment

  • Female/Male icon

    Attend consultation

  • Syringe icon

    Receive treatment

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