Hepatitis A Vaccination

£60.00 (Adult) / £35.00 (Child)

This vaccination prevents viral infection of the liver by Hepatitis A contracted from unhygienic food or water.  Symptoms include fever, digestive issues and can lead to liver failure in worst cases.  Most infections occur in countries with poor sanitation and travellers to these countries are advised to check if they should book an inoculation prior to travel.

Price per dose (2 doses required)



Adults require inoculation at least two weeks prior to travel for one year’s protection.  A booster dose issued between 6 - 12 months later will provide protection for 25 years.


The vaccine is given as an injection in the upper arm.

Side Effects?

Possible high temperature, fatigue and sore arm at the site of injection.

Suitable for children?

The vaccine is suitable for children age  one or above.

How it works

  • Calendar icon

    Book appointment

  • Female/Male icon

    Attend consultation

  • Syringe icon

    Receive treatment

  • Email icon
